BPM Advisors

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Why us?


Why us?


Our differentiation comes from examining traditional Strategy and Management responsibilities from holistic and organic viewpoints which focus on People first. We believe that in the triumvirate relationship among People, Processes, and System (Tools); it is the People that define the foundation. The Processes must be defined with People in mind; and prior to mechanizing them through any System or Tools.



Expertise based on Real-life Work Experience

We view "Consulting" as providing objective advice based on subject matter expertise in the areas where help is sought by the client. This assumes that the consulting party will have had in-depth understanding of the subject. We believe that to attain the level of mastery to be able to consult others on a certain discipline one must possess the knowledge and wisdom that can only be attained through a real-world job experience. For example, if we were to consult a client about Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) applications, we would need to make sure that we had walked in their shoes shoes before. In other words, not only do we have first hand experience of the benefits and frustration of ERP users, but as technologists we know how demanding the implementations of such enterprise-wide system can be. In addition to knowledge gathered based on academic understanding of a discipline, we believe that one must have had real-life responsibility in certain discipline where he/she was evaluated for their performance.

Unfortunately, we have seen many consulting firms touting themselves as experts in areas with little or no real-life experience. A number of these companies employs "consultants" that go from one client to next as travelling sales person giving expert advice. The view of an organization that is presented to an outside consultant is not necessarily what actually takes place when the outsiders are gone. A consultant who never lived the life of of an employee would find it that much more difficult to ascertain the actual realities of the client organization.

The outcome of pure academic mindset or lack of real life experience can result in recommendations that are most often disconnected for realities on the ground and provide little or no value.

Having an MBA from a reputable institution is a great accomplishment. However, a business school education must be complemented with real work experience to become a member of our team.



Value Chain Based Approach


Using Michael Porter's Value Chain approach we focus on both primary (core) and support activities of a client organization. This approach allows us to look at clients' challenges from a holistic perspective instead of sets of isolated events. Since all organizations whether a they are in government, private sector or nonprofit industries, have their own unique Value Chain to provide produce products or deliver services to their respective "customers", our approach is industry agnostic and are very effective.



Customized Solutions based on Prevailing Operational Realities Each Client

Our solutions are customized to each client, and are always based on the unique culture and idiosyncrasies surrounding that particular client independent of their size. We believe in providing recommendations that are implementable and provide immediate value. There is no waving of a magic wand, or silver bullet. Instead, we bring our years of domain knowledge and expertise to engage and facilitate dialogues within the organization. The solutions, as a result, are implementable, relevant, and provide immediate results.



Implementation - beyond just Recommendations

We neither offer canned solutions that seek problems; nor leave you with Power Point decks that are full of recommendations. Instead, we strive to develop executable solutions. We do not leave until solutions are tested, implemented, and benefits are quantified. Our engagements do not continue until perpetuity. Every project we take on has a defined lifecycle.



Frustration with traditional consulting firms

Our firm was borne out of the shared frustration we felt as consumers of consulting services – often from large firms. All too often, we were sent brilliant young consultants with little or no actual work experience, with strictly formulaic mindsets and approaches. They often provided solutions (which may have worked in previous engagements) looking to catch our problems. The consultants would stay resident for a while collecting data, and would provide recommendations that either would not consider our actual operational constraints, hence were not implementable, or had no clear direction on how to execute them. The clients were left a deck of PowerPoint slides which too often were impractical or irreleant, and the recommendations stayed safely tucked away – never to be seen again.



Using Technology as a Competitive Advantage

Our intimate knowledge of technology allows us to select and implement tools that provide competitive edge for our clients. While we are forward thinking and innovative in our approach to technology, we refused to be seduced by latest hype or trend. The technology platforms and tools are carefully selected based on unique operational and organizational realities of each client, and are further optimized for maximum return on investment.



Back to Basics

In our approach, we ask some very basic questions to our clients. Questions such as what business they are in, what is their ‘end game’, how do they define value for their clients, and what they see as their competitive advantage.


BPM Advisors, LLC

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